In today modern age, the demand for online retail has significantly increased and with Covid/Lockdowns the demand has only by increased.
We often get asked the question, how safe is your store and how do I know your not a scam or run off with my money? And understandably when I purchase online I to have the same concerns. So I thought I would take this opportunity to showcase some of the things things I would look for,
- Does the store show its address? To often the stores dont show any address and I wonder, ok if I have an issue where do I go? Yes they can also publish fake address but at least you have some way to validate it.
- Do they have any CREDIBLE reviews? Having some customer reviews as snippets on the website could be fake, so google the website and maybe check Hello Peter, Google Reviews and Trust Pilot for some credibility. At Blinds Direct we have positive feedback on all the platforms and member of Trust Pilot
- Does the website enable for SSL and have certificate? This just helps to validate the website and look if the certificate is EV. These Extended Validation Certifcates are onlky issued to websites if they have been rigorously validated by the Certificate provider. More information Wiki
- Another sure way to protect yourself is payment by credit card. If a website does not offer the option of paying by credit card, then I would be suspect. When you purchase on credit card your bank knows who your paying, they have protection mechanisms and best of all you can formally dispute the transaction with your bank and have it reversed. Now dont get me wrong I normally pay by credit card for my purchases but as a retailer we prefer EFT payments as then we dont have to pay credit card fees. But if that online retailer does not offer credit card payment method then I would suggest further investigating that online retailer. Follow this link for more details on credit card advantages.
- My final recommendation is make contact with them, do they answer their phones? Are they knowledgeable about the product? Replying to email in some cases is not sufficient.
In closing, here at we try our best to instill the highest level of confidence by ensuring we have you our client rate us with a 3rd party and ensure we continue to have the best reputation in the business.
Call, email, chat and visit our website today for your widest range of blinds in South Africa Online.